Specialised Nutrition
We know nutrition has the power to make a positive difference to health. Our Specialised Nutrition business is fundamental to our purpose of bringing health through food to as many people as possible.
We develop a range of products to support healthy growth and development, including formula milk as well as foods for special medical purposes at all stages of life. We focus on specialised nutrition for:
Starting early life
What we eat and drink as babies can influence our health and can impact our food preferences later in life. We know that breast milk is the best source of nutrition with many short and long-term benefits for both infants and mothers. However, some people cannot, or choose not to, breastfeed. Formula milk is the only safe alternative for families and their little ones. Our portfolio of formula milks is inspired by over 50 years of research in early life science.
Health conditions in early life
Sometimes specialised medical nutrition is necessary in early life. If babies are born prematurely or are diagnosed with cow’s milk allergy, standard infant formulas may not be suitable, or sufficient to support their growth. To manage their condition and alleviate symptoms, where breastfeeding may not always be possible, these babies need specially formulated medical nutrition. Similarly, some babies and young children are diagnosed with faltering growth as a result of an underlying medical condition or cannot eat and drink normally. To help them grow and thrive, a healthcare professional may advise on medical nutrition products that provide a balance of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals.
Nutrition in times of illness
In adulthood, adapted nutrition can support recovery from illnesses. It is also key in managing disease-related malnutrition. People who have suffered a stroke or who are fighting illnesses such as cancer can have difficulty meeting their nutritional needs through normal food alone. This means they need specific nutrition, in specialised formats. In these scenarios, a healthcare professional may advise on the use of medical nutrition, such food and drink adjusted to the specific nutritional needs of patients.
Nutrition as we age
As we get older, we all want to continue being able to do the things we value and enjoy the most. But as we age, we may become more vulnerable to malnutrition due to an underlying disease or condition. If not diagnosed, malnutrition may lead to muscle loss and physical frailty, making older people more vulnerable to falls and fractures. A healthcare professional must be consulted to get the right nutritional care at the right time for older people to maintain their mobility and independence, enabling them to age in good health. We have a range of medical nutrition products that specifically adapted into formats that address eating and drinking difficulties that an older person might experience, which can put these people at risk of malnutrition.
Important notice
Breastfeeding is best. Infant milk is suitable from birth when babies are not breastfed. Follow-on milk is only for babies over 6 months, as part of a mixed diet and should not be used as a breastmilk substitute before 6 months. We advise that the use of formula milks and the decision to start weaning should be made only on the advice of a doctor, dietitian, pharmacist or other professional responsible for maternal and child care based on baby’s individual needs. Use Toddler milk as part of a varied, balanced diet from 1 year.
Foods for special medical purposes should only be used under medical supervision. Please refer to the label for details.